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Tips from a Flight Attendant[/caption]
Flight Attendant Keri has spent the past six years of her life traveling for a living, and boy has she picked up some great tips for staying beautiful in flight! Read on for our interview with her!
Nomaterra: What airline do you work for?
KL: I work for United Airlines, what used to be the old Continental.
N: How long have you been working for them?
KL: I've been with them for six years!
N: Where do you fly often?
KL: I've been doing only international flights for the past 4years. I just transferred this month back to domestic flying. So normally I am all over Europe but I would work a lot of trips to Scotland, Ireland, and England.
N: What have been your favorite places to visit?
KL: I love Edinburgh! It's such an amazing city. Dublin is always a fun time. Athens was amazing and the food was to die for. Hong Kong is also really cool. And of course Paris never gets old!
N: How long do you normally get to stay in a given place?
KL: It depends on where we fly, internationally the layovers are usually 24 hours. But domestically it can be anywhere from 8 hours to 30 hours. It's always changing
N: What are your top three favorite US cities and why?
KL: That's so hard! I'm going to have to narrow it down to four:
San Francisco
Los Angeles: I just love the west coast. The vibe, the beach, the weather. It's a nice break
Austin: I'm a Texas girl and Austin is where it's at!
NYC: This one is just obvious. Everyone loves New York and I've been living here since I started this job. It's everything you could ever want on a tiny island.
N: What beauty secrets do you have for keeping skin and hair looking great in spite of constantly traveling?
KL: It's definitely a challenge because the air is so dry up there. So staying hydrated is a must! Drink lots of water, always have lotion, Chapstick, and eye drops. And baby powder for the hair.
N: Are you allowed to wear fragrance when you fly, and if so what do you wear?
KL: We are allowed to as long as it isn't over bearing. It can be a disaster if there's too many different smells going on. My favorite perfume is Estes Lauder Pleasures. But in the summer I'll wear more floral perfume like Gucci Flora.
N: What are your travel product essentials?
KL: Well I've become an expert packer. I always have my bag packed for any weather because things change so often that you could end up somewhere you weren't expecting. So I always have a bathing suit, gym clothes, long and short sleeve clothing, light sweater, extra under garments, make up, make up remover wipes, lotions, perfume, my watch, and a pen.